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Thursday, September 14, 2006

I dream of Ginny

Ginny Gremlin, mentor, live-helper, mother, writer, and friend - full of wit, passion and compassion and understanding.

She's gone.

She went into hospital on the ninth of September. Yesterday, I found out that her condition was very serious.

This-morning I woke up to a message from her son that she had passed away in the night.

Ginny, we loved you. We miss you, already. Your loss diminishes us all.

We will not forget you. Rest in peace, dear one. You've more than earned it.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    My deepest sympathies to you and her family. It's always painful to have a good friend pass on.

  2. My deepest sympathies to all of her family and friens. Always very hard to lose someone you love.

  3. Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM

    We lost a good mentor and friend. Ginny will be missed.

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Whilst Ginny's presence may have left us, her spirit soars free amongst our hearts and memories. We will miss her but our hearts will never forget her.

  6. I don't think I ever met Ginny, but I only ever heard good of her.
    My sympathies.

  7. Anonymous3:10 AM

    We've lost a good and kind person. Everyone spoke well of her.

  8. Anonymous3:23 AM

    I didn't have many dealings with Ginny, but I remember she was always friendly, and if memory serves, the person who gave me a copy of the World Map archives.


  9. I too had a message from Ginny's son.
    Had no words to offer him, am still at a loss.
    Ginny was the first fellow mentor I met on Help Island.
    That is the image of her that will remain with me.
    Miss her already
    *hugs* to all

  10. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Knocked this together, with one of my llLoadURL() prims coming back here:

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I always remember Ginny running around Help Island...

    The only Gremlin I was happy to see around

  12. Ginny, I never had the pleasure of meeting you. None the less, your loss is a deep and personal blow to your family and friends. Thank you for being not only a mentor, but a heart in the ranks of the mentors. The nods of appreciation speak of you as a highly loving and generous person. We can rejoice that you are now in the Summerland, and that you will come back to us in a new shape, and again bring goodness to the world.

  13. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Ginny was a wonderfull person, and will be missed by all! I know there is one more angel in heaven!

  14. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Be At Peace Ginny and Fly with the angels. My deepest sympathty to the family and all your friends.

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Ginny was a really great person to talk to, one of the first people to help me in Secondlife. My deepest sympathies to her family, she will be greatly missed. :-(

  16. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I'm not good at this... so just bye Ginny. You were a good friend.

  17. Anonymous7:04 AM


    I will miss you.

    Heart felt sympathies to your family.

    Rest in peace dear one.

  18. Ginny was one of the sweetest people I have had the pleasure to meet. She'll be dancing with the Angels.
    Will miss her..

  19. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I worked with Ginny on Help Island and in Waterhead Welcome Area. She was always helpful, cheerful, competent, fun. I will miss having her at my side when I talk with the new residents.

  20. She was my first mentor. Gave me lots of goodies and folders when I began helping the new citizens at Waterhead. To give credit where it was due, I never renamed the folders and now never will.
    She may have passed in RL, but her pixels will never be lost in SL.
    Take care Ginny, we will meet again at the telehub when this incarnation is over.

  21. Anonymous2:20 PM

    My deep sympathy to her real life family and friends and to her second life ones, as well.

    Ginny was one of my own very first mentors, when I came to Help Island stumbling and bumping into things. She was so kind and gentle and answered *so* many of my questions. My first big folder of notecards and landmarks and freebies and other useful stuff was from her. I still have it. I still use it.

    Ginny's effect on me was what made me know, even then, that I wanted to come back to Help Island as a mentor.

    I ran into her at Ahern, not long ago, and she was being kind and wonderful, as usual.

    Now, only a few days ago, I came back to Help Island, this time as a Second Life mentor, myself. I have been looking around for Ginny, hoping to catch her at work on one of the islands, hoping to thank her yet once more for her early help.

    I will not see Ginny on Help Island. I will miss her. I will tell her "Thanks, Ginny!" in another virtual universe, at another time.

    Ginny, I will try to honor your wonderful spirit! I will try to help your precious newbies!

    Have a grrrrrrrr8 Third Life, Ginny!

  22. Ginny you will be deeply missed by us all,going to miss seeing you on HI,may you rest in peace.

  23. Ginny, we'll see you when we get to Third Life.

  24. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I don't think I ever met her but may God be with her family. And my sympathies to them as well

  25. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Ginny Gremlin was one of the nicest people I knew on Second Life. She is terribly missed :'(

  26. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Ginny you brought that part of yourself to our world in SL that brightened life for all around you.

    Your absence leaves us with a hole in our hearts.

    I hope your family knows how much we loved you.

    Goodbye, my friend.

  27. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Ginny!! *cries* Love you and miss you already. xoxoxoxo

  28. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I never got the hcnace to talk with her but her name I remember well, for one who can forget a name in no time that says a lot for me, She will be missed by all no matter how light her touch.

    May her spirit be free like the birds along this enless flight, within our hearts we hold thoughts very dear, she might have left us in body but her spirit will go on for all eternity

  29. Anonymous9:23 PM

    You have my deepest heartfelt sympathies.

  30. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Though I just arrived in SL and we've never met, I want to express my deepest sympathty to the family and all your friends.

  31. Anonymous1:38 AM


  32. Anonymous2:08 AM

    All I will say is ....
    Ginny I love you hun you helped me on the path to become a Mentor ... if not for yours and others encouragement I would not have bothered...........MISS YOU BABE ....

    Your Friend Frodo Hartunian
    Till next we meet..
    May you forever Rest In Peace
    Your Pain is now over

  33. ありがとうあなたの単語のために

  34. Anonymous6:25 AM

    what can be said that my tears have not said already. *sob* :(

  35. Anonymous2:52 PM

    This is very sad news...I'm so sorry to read this news.

  36. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Ginny, was such a sweet and helpful person. Always ready with a cheerful greeting. Her example of helping others with a joyful heart will last for ages. <3

  37. Anonymous7:39 PM

    sry that a lot of you didnt get to know ginny, she had one of the biggest hearts in sl.....i am thankful to god that i was able to be her friend...

  38. Anonymous7:54 PM

    i love you ginny, and i miss you terribly.
    you will be missed and never forgotten.
    *hugs and kisses*
    doug Donovan

  39. Anonymous2:44 PM

    She was the first person I met, sometimes the only reason I stayed.

    She represented the best of Second Life, and both worlds have lost some of their color. I will remember her always.


  40. Ginny, you are so sorely missed but your ever-glowing essence and amazing aura will always float through Second Life and our memories. I can still see you sitting in Ahern or running about the Help Islands. Not only a Mentor, but a dear friend and mother.

    Love and sympathies to your family and friends. See you in the next life. Miss you. xoxox

  41. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Wow, I can't believe I just found out about this (June 07)...

    Ginny and I fell out of contact a few months after she joined SL, but I can say I had the privelige of welcoming her to Second Life. If I remember correctly, I happened to be hanging out around the Ahern area when she teleported in for the first time. This was only a few days after I joined SL, but I knew of a few nebwie areas, which I pointed her towards.

    She was one of my first friends on SL, and a wonderful person. Best wishes to her family and friends.


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